Kenya – Inauguration and Blessing of the New Paulines Communications Centre

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NAIROBI – 9 December 2015 will remain an unforgettable day in the history of the Daughters of St. Paul of Kenya because it was the day on which their new Paulines Communications Centre was inaugurated. The Centre consists of a book center, a recording studio, a large conference hall and a future television studio.

Many men and women religious, collaborators and friends participated in the inauguration, including three bishops: Bishop Philip Anyolo, President of the Kenya Episcopal Conference, Bishop Joseph Obanyi, President of the Social Communications Commission, and Bishop Peter Kibara, who is on the same Commission. Also present for the occasion were Mauro Massoni, the Italian Ambassador to Kenya, and the Ambassador from Mozambique.

Sr. Mariuccia Pezzini, Superior of our East Africa Delegation, underscored that three points of the Pauline charism should never be lacking in our exercise of the apostolate in this new building, namely: that sin should never enter these rooms, that the new Centre be a centre of light, and that the Lord always be present there. She also made special mention of the Italian Episcopal Conference, whose financial aid helped to build this new evangelization centre.

The Bishops thanked the Daughters of St. Paul for their great service to the Church in Africa, especially through their publication of the Bible and liturgical texts. After the different speeches, a group of FSP novices sang the Institute’s Centenary Hymn, and the Bible was enthroned in the Centre’s new offices. A time of fraternal festivity brought to an end this very memorable day.

Our best wishes to our sisters of Kenya as they strive to concretize the dream they carry in their hearts: “Our yearning and hope is that this new Centre will truly be a centre of light and that our Father St. Paul will always help us to offer everyone the charity of the truth.”

Source:, 12/17/2015

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